I began work today on another exchange project. The Art House Exchange (http://www.arthousecoop.com/projects/printexchange) requires an edition of 22 prints sized 11" X 15", on the theme of "Danger", and are due by August 1st. I've decided to use two plates for this piece - one in relief using linoleum and the other an intaglio using a photopolymer plate. The tricky part of this will be to meet the deadline. I'll be away from the studio for a couple of weeks so I need to work on the part of the image that will travel well and not require studio equipment. At this point, I'm ready to transfer my image to the linoleum using graphite paper.
I actually had the idea worked out a month ago but because of the Mailart project, which had an earlier due date, I put this on the back burner. I'm not so sure that was a good idea because the Mailart took much longer than anticipated and the return for the effort invested is not looking good. I have received only 6 postcards, which is a pretty poor showing, considering there were 32 participants. Since the deadline is July 1st, I'm not sure everyone will meet their obligtion. Oh well, I guess that's the chance one takes when participating in an exchange project; you have no guarantee of the quality or quantity.