Thursday, March 24, 2016

Final Printmaking Workshop

Last evening was the last session of an adult printmaking workshop that I've been teaching at the Norwich Art School for the past 10 weeks. It was a lot of fun and the participants really seemed to enjoy the challenges that are inherent to the transferred image.

It was especially fun for me because I got to work in my old studio/classroom. It was funny how so little had changed since I retired; most every supple was in the same place where I had stored them making finding things a snap.

All I really had to do was give the two presses a little tender loving care, in the way of cleaning and oiling, and we were ready to go.

The final workshop was all about reprinting printing plates, trying out new matrices, finishing editions and lamenting about missing the presses and this time to just create.

Most preferred working with the electric Wright press while others just loved the feel of cranking the plate through by hand. 

One student would bring her lab Barley along and he became the studio mascot. Keeping an eye on things but always managing to stay out of the way.

When all was said and done, I felt like a proud mama. Everyone managed to pull some wonderful prints and it was great to see the confidence everyone had developed in handling the medium.


  1. Looks like a great facility, and a great workshop experience! Congratulations to you and to all your students. :-)

  2. Thanks Sherrie. When the art studios were upgraded, instructors got to design their own space based on their need & what they were teaching. I took advantage of this opportunity and was able to create an exceptional high school printmaking studio. It was a lot of fun to be back in my old classroom.
