I always like to remind people that even though science and technology continues to shape our future, it's art that nurtures our soul. So as my husband was down in DC focusing on the first part of that statement I was with him, immersed in the second.
I spent 4 great days visiting the galleries and museums in our Capitol. It was like a creative booster shot. I wandered for hours through the National Gallery, Portrait Gallery, Museum of American Art, and the Hirshorn; just to name a few. Having done a few body prints of my own, I enjoyed seeing the work of Yves Kline and watching videos of his process.

Favorite artists like Lautrec, Kollowicz, Bartlett, and Dine, along with an interesting array of contemporary artists, occupied my days. The National Museum of the American Indian had a wonderful exhibition showcasing creative work by contemporary Native American artists using contemporary materials in traditional processes.

The serenity of the National Botanical Garden's rain forest provided a break from the gallery hopping and gave me time to reflect. I rounded out the trip with a visit to the majestic National Cathedral and was awed by the craftsmanship and sheer magnitude of this architectural masterpiece.

While in the area, I also took the opportunity to visit the new location of the Washington Printmakers at the Pyramid Atlantic Art Center. Their new space provides a much larger exhibition area then they had when located in Dupont Circle. The building also houses various studio spaces so I had a chance to poke around in studios that were set up for papermaking, lithography, intaglio, letterpress and bookmaking. I was glad I stopped in to visit.

All in all, I arrived home well nourished, both visually & spiritually, with an eagerness to get back in the studio.