Thursday, July 9, 2020

Threading and Unthreading

Took a bit of trial and error to figure out a the best sequence for "connecting-the-dots". First try the thread was too short. Second try I missed a connection. Once I had it worked out I made notes to be able to replicate the process for the edition.

Finally worked out the threading kinks. Now to print a small edition, figure out how to secure the threads, maybe cover the back, and settle on a title.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020


I'm continuing to work on my Pandemic Series. This one I'm doing for an upcoming Boston Printmakers members show that will be coming up next year during the Southern Graphics International Conference in Providence, R.I.

The theme is Connect; an exhibition prompted by the theme of “communication”. Artists are challenged to create cellphone-sized plates with a variety of “messaging,” “news,” or whatever they want to “post.” 

Staying connected to family and friends has been a challenge with social distancing in place. There are so many guidelines in place that I felt that a "connect-the-dots" would emphasize the fragile maintenance of connections.

This is the first proof of my 4'x6" image. I'm thinking of ties that bind, so the plan is to add thread to connect the dots.